functional module |
S/N |
Function point |
Function Point Description |
LINK812C |
Single-phase rail prepayment meter |
real-time measurement |
1 |
Voltage |
Phase voltage: U |
√ |
2 |
electric current |
Phase current: IA, IB |
√ |
3 |
Active power |
Active power: PA, PB, P |
√ |
4 |
Reactive power |
Reactive power: QA, QB, Q |
√ |
5 |
Apparent power |
Apparent power: SA, SB, S |
√ |
6 |
power factor |
Power factor: PFA, PFB, PF |
√ |
7 |
frequency |
System frequency: f |
√ |
Electricity metering |
8 |
Active kilowatt hour |
Bidirectional active energy of each loop |
√ |
9 |
Reactive kilowatt hour |
Bidirectional reactive energy of each loop |
√ |
Multiple rate |
10 |
time zone |
Supports up to 4 time zones. |
- |
11 |
time interval |
Up to 4 daily time slots are supported, and each daily time slot supports up to 8 time slots. |
12 |
rate |
Up to four rates, namely, peak, flat and valley, are supported. |
13 |
Multiple rate kilowatt hour |
Forward/reverse active complex rate electricity |
Prepayment |
14 |
call the |
Prepayment has an alarm function, and the alarm threshold can be set. When the remaining amount/power is less than or equal to the threshold, an alarm will be given to remind users to recharge in time. |
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15 |
get credit |
Can realize credit function, credit threshold can be set. |
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frozen |
16 |
Monthly freeze |
The freezing day of the month can be set from 1 to 28, and the electric energy of this month can be automatically recorded at the zero point of the setting day of each month, which can be recorded for 12 consecutive months. |
- |
17 |
Daily freeze |
This month's electric energy can be automatically recorded at 0: 00 every day, which can record the recent 90 days' electric energy continuously. |
- |
Telesignalling |
18 |
Over limit alarm |
Remote communication state with 8-level out-of-limit alarm |
- |
19 |
Prepaid status |
Alarm status such as insufficient balance and no balance. |
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Malignant load |
20 |
Malignant load identification |
Total current limit, total power limit, single load power limit and malignant load limit can be realized. |
√ |
exceed the time limit |
21 |
Over limit alarm |
8-level over-limit alarm function, which can monitor power parameters and remote signal volume, generate an alarm when conditions are met, and can be linked with the exit of the alarm. |
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Event record |
22 |
SOE record |
It has 64 SOE recording functions, including remote control, recharge and other records, and records with time scales. |
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23 |
Record of maximum value |
The maximum and minimum values of relevant parameters (voltage, current, active power, reactive power, apparent power, power factor and frequency) can be counted in real time, and recorded with time scales. |
○ |
Clock |
24 |
Clock |
Accurate clock with hardware |
√ |
Input and output |
25 |
Built in relay |
Optional built-in relay to realize opening and closing. |
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26 |
Pulse output |
With active energy pulse output port, used for accuracy detection of electric energy meter. |
√ |
communication interface |
27 |
RS485 communication |
1 RS485 communication, supporting MODBUS-RTU protocol; Support online upgrade program through RS485 interface. |
√ |
28 |
NB Communication |
Support NB communication mode |
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29 |
telecommunications |
Support wireless communication and MODBUS-RTU protocol. |
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